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Planning Guide – CO2 Savings


Calculations are based on Climate Recovery Ducts in comparison to sheet metal ducts insulated with 30mm lamella mat. The total surface area of finished products in square meters (m2 ) while CO2 is provided in kilograms (kg).

All data used regarding CO2 emissions was provided from the Swedish Recycling Industries’ AssociationA and can be found on the next page. Data regarding product composition provided by commonly accepted values and CR manufacturing processes.


These tables show us that the CR Duct lowers CO2 emissions by 85% compared to round sheet metal ducts with added insulation.


  • The effects of packaging do not make a large enough impact on the end result to note.
  • No data on transport has been included, such as comparing CR Ducts in flat packaging compared to round sheet metal ducts.
  • The values used are for utilizing recycled material compared to new raw material production. While we recognize that not all material utilized by all parties is 100% recycled, if strictly raw material values are used, the numbers would be more heavily in favor of CR.

Climate benefits from recycled material compared to new raw material production


We state that at least 80% of CO2 /m2 can be saved by using the Climate Recovery Duct System as opposed to sheet metal with added insulation.